Ankhor is a Canadian company, conceptualized and founded in Canada by Daniel W. Peach of Mississauga, Ontario. In 2020 Daniel moved to Vancouver, British Columbia to study Canada’s mental health crisis at the epicentre of disease. While working to restore an abandoned music venue at 109 East Hastings Street, Daniel had a front row seat to Canada’s mental health and opioid crisis. When Daniel wasn’t at the venue, he was working at a private marina north of the city, and as a music therapist for a disabled woman who had lost her brother to suicide after a long battle with addiction. Ankhor’s branding comes from the merging of the Egyptian Ankh - representing life, death, and immortality - and the anchor, as a symbol of strength and resilience. 


The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol representing life, death, and immortality.


The anchor is a symbol of hope, strength, security, and  a steadfast foundation.


Love is an undeniable force in this universe, we believe compassion is key for a happy, healthy, thriving and functional society.


Ankhor advocates for men's mental health, children's aid, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare.


Ankhor's team has a proven trackrecord of resilience, thriving through adversary and the challenging nature of the music industry.


The music industry is full of complex contracts; Ankhor's team strives on making the music business simple for artists.


Ankhor relies on its team of talented artists to produce high quality video and audio. Our in-house production team is able to handle any project.


Connecting and engaging with the culture in our communities is how we find unique artists.